
Architectural Evolution: From Middleware to The Cloud

You’ve heard it said that “all things old are new again.” That statement can certainly be applied to the current Cloud hype. But each time the old becomes new it gets a bit better because of what was learned the last time around. If we look back ten years at enterprise application development in Java things were quite different than they are today. EJB was “the way” to build scalable systems from a vast abundance of components.

My Upcoming Flex Sessions in Atlanta – DevNexus and Atlanta Flex User Group

In a few weeks I’ll be speaking in Atlanta at DevNexus and at the Atlanta Flex User Group. On March 21, 2011 at DevNexus I have two sessions: AS34J - ActionScript for Java Developers Rapid Mobile & Tablet App Development with Spring and Flex On March 22, 2011 at the Atlanta Flex User Group I will be presenting about Flex 4.5 - The Non-Mobile New Features. I hope to see you at DevNexus and at the Atlanta Flex User Group!

Integrating Flex and Java EE with JBoss

Flex and Java have always fit together very nicely. Connecting from Flex to a Java back-end is pretty straightforward whether you are using plain old Java beans, Spring beans, or EJB session beans. I’ve created a video and some sample code that shows you how to connect Flex to a Java EE system using BlazeDS. This video walks though a real-time collaborative Whiteboard application that runs in the browser, on the desktop, and on mobile devices.

Building Cross-Device Apps with Flex and Spring at the Detroit JUG

On February 15, 2011 I’ll be presenting at the Detroit Java User Group about Building Cross-Device Apps with Flex and Spring. If you live in the Detroit area then I hope to see you there! If not, then talk to your local Java User Group leader about having me come and speak. Here is the abstract for the talk: Today, users want apps in the browser, on their desktop, phone, tablet, and TV.

My JavaOne 2010 Sessions

Next week at JavaOne 2010 I’ll be co-presenting two sessions! On Monday Jeremy Grelle and I will present “End-to-End Richness: Integrating Java EE Services to Create Engaging RIAs” at the Hilton San Francisco. Here is the session information: Session ID: S313939 Abstract: Flex is one of the most widely used tools for building RIAs. But how do you efficiently connect applications to diverse back-end services built on Java EE? The Spring BlazeDS Integration project has emerged as an effective solution for building a lightweight connective tissue for exposing rich Java EE services to a Flex client from any Java Servlet container.

Flex 4, Hibernate 3, and Spring 3 Integration

Jon Rose and I have created a new DZone Refcard called Flex 4 and Spring 3 Integration. In the Refcard, we walk you through the steps for building RIAs with Flash Builder 4, Flex 4, BlazeDS 4, Spring 3, the Spring BlazeDS Integration, and Hibernate. Whew! That’s a lot of pieces! The Refcard covers simple Remoting, Flex & Hibernate integration through Spring (all Java annotation driven and using the new data-centric development features in Flash Builder 4), Pub / Sub Messaging, and Flex and Spring Security.

Watch AS34J – ActionScript 3 for Java Developers

Last week I did an eSeminar on AS34J - ActionScript 3 for Java Developers. This was originally a presentation that Chet Haase and I did at Devoxx. Later Chet also published the presentation as a two part article on JavaWorld (Part 1 and Part 2). Check out the eSeminar and let me know what you think.

Flex and Java Differences: Getters & Setters

In Java it has become a standard practice to use a getter & setter notation to provide a consistent interface to an object’s properties. There is a reason why we don’t do the following in Java: public String fullName; The code above essentially creates an interface (or contract) between the class and the implementors of this class that does not allow us to change the underlying implementation of what gets returned when the fullName property is accessed on an instance of the class.

Flex at the Austin JUG and Stir Trek in Columbus

Tomorrow night I’ll be in Austin, Texas speaking at the Java User Group about Better Software with Java and Flex (Try the Google Cache Page in case the site is not working). And then next week I’ll be at Stir Trek in Columbus, Ohio presenting about Flex and the Cloud. I hope to see some of you at these events!

Upcoming Presos: Flash Camp Chicago, Devnexus & Flex on the Cloud in Atlanta, Java Posse Roundup, and TSSJS Las Vegas

I’ll be attending and presenting at a number of great events over the next few weeks: February 26 Flash Camp Chicago March 8 - 9 Devnexus in Atlanta March 10 Flex in the Cloud in Atlanta March 16 - 19 Java Posse Roundup in Crested Butte, Colorado March 17 - 19 The Server Side Java Symposium in Las Vegas I hope to see you at these events!