
Building JavaScript Client Apps with gulp

Yesterday I started playing around with gulp which is a build tool for JavaScript applications. My goal was to have a build for a fully client-side application built with AngularJS and Bootstrap. In modern JavaScript apps we now need a build tool to compile various pieces, manage libraries, do production transformations (like minification), and to provide a nice development cycle when working on a project. I created a Gulp Starter project that has the following:

Official Support for RequireJS in WebJars

WebJars Locator now has direct support for RequireJS! For a while the WebJars Play helper library has had support for RequireJS which was great but it had a few issues and wasn’t useful outside of Play.

There is now a org.webjars.RequireJS.getSetupJavaScript(String webjarUrlPrefix) method that produces the RequireJS configuration for the WebJars you are using. If you are using only the jQuery WebJar then that JavaScript configuration looks like:

var webjars = {
    versions: { 'requirejs': '2.1.10', 'jquery': '2.1.0' },
    path: function(webjarid, path) {
        return '/webjars/' + webjarid + '/' + webjars.versions[webjarid] + '/' + path;

var require = {
    callback: function() {
        // no-op webjars requirejs plugin loader for backwards compatibility
        define('webjars', function () {
            return { load: function (name, req, onload, config) { onload(); } }

        // all of the webjar configs from their webjars-requirejs.js files

        // webjar config for jquery
            paths: { "jquery": webjars.path("jquery", "jquery") },
            shim: { "jquery": { "exports": "$" } }

This sets up the paths for RequireJS modules in WebJars and pulls in any other custom configuration from the WebJar’s RequireJS config. To use this setup JavaScript with RequireJS you can add something like the following to your web page:

OSCON Workshop: 6 Minute Apps! Build Your First Modern Web App

Next week at OSCON 2013 in Portland I’ll be leading a hands-on workshop on Monday at 1:30pm where we’ll build a modern web app with Play Framework and Scala. Here are the details:

6 Minute Apps! Build Your First Modern Web App

The web application landscape is rapidly shifting back to a Client/Server architecture. This time around, the Client is JavaScript, HTML, and CSS in the browser. The tools and deployment techniques for these types of applications are abundant and fragmented.

Dynamically Rendering GitHub Files in Web Pages

You know how you can easily embed GitHub Gists into a webpage? I’ve always wanted that for any file on GitHub. I post a lot of code on my blog and it’s always tedious and error-prone having to copy and paste the code. I’d rather be able to dynamically render a specific version of a file hosted on GitHub. So I created a little JavaScript jQuery plugin called github-files that pulls blobs from GitHub. Those blobs can then be rendered client-side and optionally syntax highlighted.

Getting Started with Node.js on The Cloud

In my new job at I’m incredibly exited about getting into Heroku, a Platform as a Service provider / Cloud Application Platform. In a future blog post I’ll provide more details on what Heroku is and how it works. But if you are like me the first thing you want to do when learning a new technology is to take it for a test drive. I decided to take my Heroku test drive using the recently announced Node.js support. I’m new to Node.js, but at least I know JavaScript. Heroku also offers Ruby / Rails support but I don’t know Ruby - yet. So let me walk you through the steps I took (and that you can follow) to get started with Node.js on the Heroku Cloud.

amf.js – A Pure JavaScript AMF Implementation

I just finished the first version of a new pure JavaScript library for AMF. I’ve wanted to do this for a while but didn’t think it was possible since JavaScript doesn’t have a ByteArray. But then I came across this: “High Performance JavaScript Port of ActionScript’s ByteArray”. That became the basis for amf.js. Before I get into the gory details of how this works, check out some developer eye candy:

Ok, hopefully that worked for you. I’ve tested this in the latest Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and IE and they all seem to work. It should also work on your iPad, iPhone, or Android device.