
Architecture of RIA from JAOO

At the JAOO conference in Aarhus, Denmark I was able to co-present with Josh Holmes from Microsoft about the Architecture of RIA. This presentation was technology agnostic so we didn’t talk about specific implementations using platforms like Flex / Flash or Silverlight. Josh has posted the presentation slides and detailed notes on his blog:

Architecture of RIA

Check it out and let us know what you think.

Oracle Open World 2008: Oracle + Flex = Happy Users

This week I’ve been at Oracle OpenWorld checking out all of the new applications Oracle has been building with Flex. Some of these seem to be integrating Flex and ADF which is a great combination of technologies! I’ve recorded videos of some of these applications which I hope to edit and publish here soon. One of those videos will feature the new Oracle MetaLink, which is a fantastic Flex application (details on Edwin Biemond’s blog).

Integrating Flex and JSF with Exadel Fiji

Flex and JSF have both been widely adopted by the Java Community. In many instances developers must choose between the two technologies. Today Exadel announced a new product called Fiji which alleviates this decision by providing a simple and seamless way to integrate Flex and JSF.

This is very exciting news for Java developers. For more information read the press release, check out the product page, or see the live demos.

Flex Data Binding Performance Pitfall

A friend of mine recently asked me to help him troubleshoot some performance problems with his Flex application. In his scenario he had a large list of data and wanted to filter the data such that each time the search string grew by a character the complex filter would only be run on the results of the previous filter. A very simple approach to this is just to keep a record in each item indicating if the item matched the filter for each search string. Even though the filter function will still run for each item, the complex part of the filter function could easily be isolated and only run for the subset of data which matched the previous filter. This may not be the best way to do this (I’m open to other suggestions) but it was simple. You can see the results of my first attempt here:

Video: Flex Effects and Skinning

Intuit has been using Flex in some very exciting ways recently. One of those is to use Flex as a developer SDK for QuickBase. This allows developers to easily build a great user interface on top of the solid and in-the-cloud back-end of QuickBase. You can find out more about this in the QuickBase Developer Program.

A few weeks ago I presented to developers in the QuickBase Developer Program about making Flex applications look and feel great by adding effects and by skinning components. Intuit has allowed me to repost that presentation here. Let me know what you think.

Very First Steps in Flex – Now Available!

Bruce Eckel and I have been working on a new Flex book aimed at those totally new to Flex. It will be very short (about 140 pages) and provide just the right information to get someone started with Flex. The book will be called "First Steps in Flex" and should be available soon.

    If you would like to be notified when "First Steps in Flex" is available we've setup <a href="http://groups.google.com/group/firststepsinflex-announce">a Google Group</a> for book related announcements.
    For those who just can't wait to check it out... A preview of the book is now available! We've taken a few chapters from "First Steps in Flex" and created a DZone Refcard called "Very First Steps in Flex". Please go "Vote Up" <a href="http://www.dzone.com/links/rss/very_first_steps_in_flex_refcard_available_now.html">the announcement on DZone.com</a>. Then go <a href="http://refcardz.dzone.com/refcardz/very-first-steps-flex">download the Refcard</a> and let us know what you think.</td> </tr> </table>