Very First Steps in Flex – Now Available!

Bruce Eckel and I have been working on a new Flex book aimed at those totally new to Flex. It will be very short (about 140 pages) and provide just the right information to get someone started with Flex. The book will be called "First Steps in Flex" and should be available soon.

    If you would like to be notified when "First Steps in Flex" is available we've setup <a href="">a Google Group</a> for book related announcements.
    For those who just can't wait to check it out... A preview of the book is now available! We've taken a few chapters from "First Steps in Flex" and created a DZone Refcard called "Very First Steps in Flex". Please go "Vote Up" <a href="">the announcement on</a>. Then go <a href="">download the Refcard</a> and let us know what you think.</td> </tr> </table>
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