
Presenting at GraphConnect 2012: Building & Deploying Graph-based Web Apps

On November 6th I will be presenting Building & Deploying Graph-based Web Apps at the GraphConnect 2012 conference in San Francisco. Here is the session description:

This session will teach you how to build a Graph-based web application with Java, Play Framework, and Neo4j. You will also lean how to deploy the application on the cloud with Heroku. The session will primarily be code and live demos.

I hope to see you there!

Graphs in the Cloud: Spring + Neo4j on Heroku

Last week I hosted a webinar about running Java apps on Heroku that use the Spring Framework and the [Neo4j graph database][1]. Here is the recording of that webinar:

In the webinar I began by deploying a copy of the Spring MVC + Hibernate template app from [][2] on Heroku. Then I made a few modifications to the app to switch the persistence from Hibernate / JPA to Neo4j. You can get the [full source code on GitHub][3].

Heroku, Java, Play and Neo4j Presos: Denver JUG, Atlanta JUG, London Flash UG & Webinar

Over the next couple weeks I’ll be doing two Java User Group presentations, a Flash Platform User Group presentation and one Webinar. Hope to see you at one of these events:

  • Thursday May 10 - Webinar hosted by Neo4j:
    Graphs in the Cloud: Neo4j and Heroku
  • Tuesday May 15 - Atlanta Java User Group:
    Running Java, Play! and Scala Apps on the Cloud
  • Thursday May 24 - London Flash Platform User Group:
    HTML5 Apps in Java & Scala with the Play Framework
    Deploying Apps on the Cloud with Heroku