
Play Framework 2 & HTML5 on Heroku at Philly ETE and Devoxx Paris

Over the next few weeks I’ll be doing a few presentations about Java, Scala, Play Framework 2, HTML5, and Heroku:

Screencast: Java Template Apps on Heroku

Today Heroku launched a new way to get started deploying Java apps on the cloud. There are four different template apps you can start with including a Spring + Hibernate + Tomcat app, a Containerless Jetty app, a Play! app, and a JAX-RS app. Pick a template and with a few clicks a copy of the template will be deployed on Heroku - just for you! Get started at:


Here is a screencast that walks through the steps to deploy a new Java template app on Heroku, then setup SSH authentication (for pulling and pushing code with git), pull the code into Eclipse, make a change, and push the changes back to Heroku. Check it out and let me know what you think.

Java on Heroku Next Week at Cloudstock 2012

Next week in San Francisco at Cloudstock 2012 I will be doing a presentation called “Introduction to Heroku: Building Next Generation Apps”. Here is the session description:

Many emerging technology trends like PaaS, HTML5, mobile apps, API-driven development, and continuous deployment are changing the way we build and deliver software. Heroku is a polyglot cloud application platform at the forefront of these trends. This introductory session will teach you what Heroku is and how you can use it to build next-generation apps that make software delivery more efficient and scalable.

Video: Spring Roo and Grails Apps on the Cloud

At SpringOne 2GX I did a presentation about running Spring Roo (really Spring anything) and Grails apps on the cloud with Heroku. A video recording of my session has been posted on InfoQ.

If you want to try out Spring Roo or Grails on Heroku then one way is to deploy a copy of one of the demos I showed. I’ve created a little app that makes that easy. Just go to java.herokuapp.com and select a demo then enter your email address (your Heroku username) and click Go! A copy of the demo will be deployed for you on Heroku and then you will see instructions on how to get started with it. Give it a try and let me know what you think.

Deploy Containerless Tapestry Apps on Heroku

Recently I spent some time with Howard Lewis Ship, creator of the Apache Tapestry web framework. Howard is a technical rock star so it was really fun to sit down with him and hack on some code. Our goal was to make it easy for people to run their Tapestry apps on the cloud with Heroku. You can run anything on Heroku so there are a variety of ways to run Tapestry apps on Heroku. We wanted to put together something that helps Tapestry users run their apps in the most optimal way. What we came up with is available in Howard’s tapx-heroku package on GitHub. Lets walk through what it does.

Run Grails on the Cloud with Heroku

Support for Grails on Heroku was recently announced and I’d like to walk you through the steps to create a simple Grails app and then deploy it on the cloud with Heroku. Before you get started install Grails 2.0.0, install the Heroku toolbelt, install git, and signup for a Heroku.com account. Don’t worry, you won’t need to enter a credit card to give this a try because Heroku gives you 750 free dyno hours per application, per month. (Wondering what a “dyno” is? Check out: How Heroku Works) Let’s get started.

Heroku at Jfokus and Spring I/O 2012

In just a few weeks I’ll be over in Europe presenting about Heroku at two fantastic Java conferences. First up is Jfokus in Stockholm! On February 14 at 20:00 I will be leading a Cloud Conversations BoF. Then on February 15 at 11:10 I will be speaking about how to “git push” Java & Play! Apps to the Cloud. This will be my first time speaking at Jfokus and I’m really excited because I’ve heard such great things.