Reactive Postgres with Play Framework & ScalikeJDBC

Lately I’ve built a few apps that have relational data. Instead of trying to shoehorn that data into a NoSQL model I decided to use the awesome Heroku Postgres service but I didn’t want to lose out on the Reactiveness that most of the NoSQL data stores support. I discovered ScalikeJDBC-Async which uses postgresql-async, a Reactive (non-blocking), JDBC-ish, Postgres driver. With those libraries I was able to keep my data relational and my app Reactive all the way down. Lets walk through how to do it in a Play Framework app. (TL;DR: Jump to the the full source.)

If you want to start from scratch, create a new Play app from the Play Scala Seed.

The minimum dependencies needed in the build.sbt file are:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "org.postgresql"       %  "postgresql"                    % "9.3-1102-jdbc41",
  "com.github.tototoshi" %% "play-flyway"                   % "1.2.0",

  "com.github.mauricio"  %% "postgresql-async"              % "0.2.16",
  "org.scalikejdbc"      %% "scalikejdbc-async"             % "0.5.5",
  "org.scalikejdbc"      %% "scalikejdbc-async-play-plugin" % "0.5.5"

The play-flyway library handles schema evolutions using Flyway. It is a great alternative to Play’s JDBC module because it just does evolutions and does one-way evolutions (i.e. no downs). But because play-flyway doesn’t use the postgresql-async driver, it needs the standard postgresql JDBC driver as well.

The scalikejdbc-async-play-plugin library manages the lifecycle of the connection pool used by scalikejdbc-async in a Play app.

To use play-flyway and scalikejdbc-async-play-plugin a conf/play.plugins file must tell Play about the plugins:


A first evolution script in conf/db/migration/default/V1__create_tables.sql will create a table named bar that will hold a list of bars for our little sample app:


You will of course need a Postgres database to proceed. You can either install one locally or create a free one on the Heroku Postres cloud service. Then update the conf/application.conf file to point to the database:


The last line above overrides the database connection url if there is a DATABASE_URL environment variable set (which is the case if your app is running on Heroku).

To run this app locally you can start the Play app by starting the Activator UI or from the command line with:

activator ~run

When you first open your app in the browser, the play-flyway plugin should detect that evolutions needs to be applied and ask you to apply them. Once applied you will be ready to create a simple database object and a few reactive request handlers.

Here is a Bar database object named app/models/Bar.scala that uses scalikejdbc-async for reactive creation and querying of Bars:

package models

import play.api.libs.json.Json
import scalikejdbc.WrappedResultSet
import scalikejdbc._
import scalikejdbc.async._
import scalikejdbc.async.FutureImplicits._

import scala.concurrent.Future

case class Bar(id: Long, name: String)

object Bar extends SQLSyntaxSupport[Bar] {

  implicit val jsonFormat = Json.format[Bar]

  override val columnNames = Seq("id", "name")

  lazy val b = Bar.syntax

  def db(b: SyntaxProvider[Bar])(rs: WrappedResultSet): Bar = db(b.resultName)(rs)

  def db(b: ResultName[Bar])(rs: WrappedResultSet): Bar = Bar(

  def create(name: String)(implicit session: AsyncDBSession = AsyncDB.sharedSession): Future[Bar] = {
    val sql = withSQL(insert.into(Bar).namedValues( -> name).returningId)
    sql.updateAndReturnGeneratedKey().map(id => Bar(id, name))

  def findAll(implicit session: AsyncDBSession = AsyncDB.sharedSession): Future[List[Bar]] = {
    withSQL(select.from[Bar](Bar as b)).map(Bar.db(b))


The db functions perform the mapping from SQL results to the Bar case class.

The create function takes a Bar name and returns a Future[Bar] by doing a non-blocking insert using the ScalikeJDBC Query DSL. When the insert has completed the primary key is returned and a new Bar instance is created and returned.

The findAll method uses the ScalikeJDBC Query DSL to select all of the Bars from the database, returning a Future[List[Bar]]].

Now that we have a reactive database object, lets expose these through reactive request handlers. First setup the routes in the conf/routes file:

GET        /bars                   controllers.Application.getBars
POST       /bars                   controllers.Application.createBar

Define the controller functions in the app/controllers/Application.scala file:

def getBars = Action.async { { bars =>

def createBar = Action.async(parse.urlFormEncoded) { request =>
  Bar.create(request.body("name").head).map { bar =>

Both functions use Action.async which holds a function that takes a request and returns a response (Result) in the future. By returning a Future[Result] Play is able to make requests to the controller function non-blocking. The getBars controller function calls the Bar.findAll and then transforms the Future[List[Bar]] into a Future[Result], the 200 response containing the JSON serialized list of bars. The createBar controller function parses the request, creates the Bar, and then transforms the Future[Bar] into a Future[Result] once the Bar has been created.

From the non-blocking perspective, here is what a request to the getBars controller function looks like:

  1. Web request made to /bars
  2. Thread allocated to web request
  3. Database request made for the SQL select
  4. Thread allocated to the database request
  5. Web request thread is deallocated (but the connection remains open)
  6. Database request thread is deallocated (but the connection remains open)
  7. Database response handler reallocates a thread
  8. SQL result is transformed to List[Bar]
  9. Database response thread is deallocated
  10. Web response handler reallocates a thread
  11. Web response is created from the list of bars
  12. Web response thread is deallocated

So everything is now reactive all the way down because there is a moment where the web request is waiting on the database to respond but no threads are allocated to the request.

Try it yourself with curl:

$ curl -X POST -d "name=foo" http://localhost:9000/bars
$ curl http://localhost:9000/bars

Grab the the full source and let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!