Run Grails on the Cloud with Heroku
Support for Grails on Heroku was recently announced and I’d like to walk you through the steps to create a simple Grails app and then deploy it on the cloud with Heroku. Before you get started install Grails 2.0.0, install the Heroku toolbelt, install git, and signup for a account. Don’t worry, you won’t need to enter a credit card to give this a try because Heroku gives you 750 free dyno hours per application, per month. (Wondering what a “dyno” is? Check out: How Heroku Works) Let’s get started.
Step 1) Create the app:
grails create-app grailbars
You’ll need to do the rest of this from inside the newly created “grailbars” directory:
cd grailbars
Step 2) Create a new domain object:
grails create-domain-class com.jamesward.grailbars.Bar
Step 3) Edit the grails-app/domain/com/jamesward/grailbars/Bar.groovy file so it looks like:
package com.jamesward.grailbars
class Bar {
String name
Step 4) Generate the controllers and views for the Bar model:
grails generate-all com.jamesward.grailbars.Bar
Step 5) Run the app locally to test it out:
grails run-app
Now open it in your browser: http://localhost:8080/grailbars
Step 6) Heroku provides a free Postgres database that we want our application to use. The easiest way to do that is using the Heroku Grails Plugin. Install the “heroku” and the “cloud-support” plugins:
grails install-plugin heroku
grails install-plugin cloud-support
Then edit the grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy file and add the Postgres JDBC driver as a dependency by adding the following to the “dependencies” section:
runtime 'postgresql:postgresql:9.1-901-1.jdbc4'
Step 7) Setup a git repository for the project which will be used for transferring the files to Heroku:
grails integrate-with --git
git init
git add grails-app test web-app
git commit -m init
Step 8) Login with the Heroku CLI:
heroku login
Step 9) Ceate a new application using the “cedar” stack:
heroku create -s cedar
Step 10) Upload your application to Heroku:
git push heroku master
Now open the application running on Heroku in your browser (the URL was in the “heroku create” and “git push” output). Verify that it works. Awesome! You just built a Grails app and deployed it on the Cloud with Heroku! For more details on using Grails on Heroku, visit the Heroku Dev Center and checkout the Heroku Grails Plugin documentation. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!