Try the New Play Framework Heroku Plugin

I just published a [Heroku Plugin for Play Framework][1]. Right now it just deploys a Play app to Heroku. Try it out:

  1. [Signup for a Heroku account][2]
  2. Install the Heroku plugin locally: ```bash $ play install heroku

  3. Create a Play (1.2.3 or 1.2.4) app: ```bash
$ play new foo --with heroku
Or if you already have an existing Play app, add the follow line to the _conf/dependencies.yml_ file and then run "play deps -sync":

  • play -> heroku 0.2

  4. Deploy the app: ```bash
$ play heroku:deploy foo
You should see something like:


~ _ _ ~ _ __ | | __ _ _ | | ~ | ‘ | |/ ’ | || || ~ | /||_|__ () ~ || |__/
~ ~ play! 1.2.4, ~ ~ Deploying app to Heroku Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8000 Project directory: /home/jamesw/Desktop/foo Read Heroku API key from /home/jamesw/.heroku/credentials Created new ssh key pair (heroku_rsa) in: /home/jamesw/.ssh Added the ssh public key to your Heroku account Created a .git directory for your project Added and committed all of the local changes to the git repo Created app: cold-night-1511 Added git remote: Deploying application via git push Application deployed ~ App Deployed

    _Note: I haven't figured out how to pipe the git push output to the screen yet, so be patient when the app is being git pushed. It's working, just takes a minute._ </li> 
      * Check out your Play app running on the cloud! Use the URL in the "heroku:deploy" output. This should work with new and existing Play apps.</ol> 
    All of the [code for the Heroku Play module][3] is on GitHub. There is more I want to do with this (scaling, logs, etc) and your contributions are certainly welcome! Keep checking back here for updates and let me know how it goes!
